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Homeless/MVP Information

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001 allows for aid through Every Student Succeeds Act and Title I, Part A. A person who does not have a regular, fixed, or standard nighttime housing may be eligible for services. This includes children/youth who share a home with others because of financial reasons or other unexpected situations. Families (or students without a legal guardian) may also live in hotels, trailers, parks, campgrounds, shelters, or other spaces.

A school must enroll a student who is in a possible homeless situation. The lack of records or proof of residency must not be a reason for not enrolling the student. A parent/guardian may enroll their student in the school near the place they are currently living. The student may also continue to attend his/her original school.

A Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) is given to the parent/guardian at the time of registration. The Homeless Liaison/designee will contact the family to ask a few questions. In rare cases, the McKinney-Vento Liaison/designee may consult with someone from the Education Service Center Region 13 for guidance. The liaison/designee will tell the family if they have the right to MVP (McKinney-Vento Program) services based on the information provided. The services will be explained. Once a student is eligible for MVP services, they are placed on the Free Breakfast/Lunch program. Services are provided for the rest of the school year. Services may include help with school supplies, clothes, and transportation to the student's original school (following state guidelines). If the student is deemed ineligible for services, the parent/guardian has the right to dispute the decision (see information below).

National Center for Homeless Education – Dispute Resolution

CCISD Dispute Resolution Notice

Dispute Resolution Form

Due to changes in living and financial situations, the SRQ is sent home to every student at the beginning of the school year. A parent/guardian or student may also request the SRQ at any time during the school year.

Student Residency Questionnaire – English

Student Residency Questionnaire – Spanish

If you are in a homeless situation, contact Carolynn Jackson at 254-547-1227.

Local School Board Policy