If you have questions about being involved within the Copperas Cove Independent School District, please do not hesitate to contact any of our 11 schools. However, our Title I schools have dedicated staff members that you can contact directly for a variety of reasons. Please see the list below for those contacts.
Throughout the year, the schools will conduct parent classes and assists with volunteers. They also ensure that the Parent and Family Engagement Program meets the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements. We encourage you to be involved!
Carolynn Jackson, Director of Assessment and Accountability (email: jacksonc@ccisd.com)
Shelley Brown, Administrative Assistant, Central Administration (email: shelley@ccisd.com)
Karen Folger, Parent and Community Outreach (email: folgerk@ccisd.com)
Kendell Penton, Parent and Community Outreach (email: pentonk@ccisd.com)
Lisa Davis, Parent and Community Outreach (email: davisl@ccisd.com)
Sandy Ziehlke, Parent and Community Outreach (email: ziehlkes@ccisd.com)
Monique Washington – Parent and Community Outreach (email: washingtonm@ccisd.com)
Doreen Vasseur, Parent and Community Outreach (email: vasseurd@ccisd.com)
Cherylee Forde, Parent and Coummunity Outreach (email: fordec@ccisd.com)