Posted Date: 04/08/2022
COPPERAS COVE, TX (March 30, 2022)—Students enrolled in band classes must set time aside to practice and rise to the challenge of learning with discipline to master playing their instruments. Musical instruments can teach discipline and Copperas Cove Junior High and S. C. Lee Junior High students demonstrated their commitment to their discipline by receiving the highest ratings possible in the UIL Region 8 West Zone Middle School Band Contest.
“It was a thrill playing on stage with all of my friends,” said seventh grader Talon Kohler who plays trombone in the S. C. Lee Junior High Symphonic Band. “After all of my practicing, I got into a flow with my performance and I feel like I really did my best.”
The hard work paid off. The S.C. Lee Junior High School Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble each received three Division 1 Superior ratings on their stage performances. The two bands also received three Division 1 Superior ratings on their sight-reading performances. Both bands each received Sweepstakes Awards given exclusively for Division 1 Superior performances in both concert and sight-reading performances.
“It is easy to recognize the many challenges that every symphonic band and wind ensemble student overcame, but we are not surprised they went above and beyond. Band students exude the highest qualities of independence and musicality,” said S. C. Lee Director of Bands Lawrence Varela-Halbert.
Copperas Cove Junior High Varsity and Non-Varsity Bands also earned sweepstakes trophies, having received superior ratings on both their stage performances and their sightreading performances.
“The stage performance was an opportunity for the students to show off all the hard work they have put into learning three challenging pieces of music,” said CCJHS Assistant Director of Bands Kathryn Kelley. “The sightreading allowed the students demonstrate their ability to perform a piece of music they have never seen before. The judges based their ratings on criteria including the ensemble’s quality of sound, balance, style, and overall preparation.”
Copperas Cove ISD hosted the UIL Region 8 West Zone Middle School Band Contest. Twenty-five different bands from 17 different middle schools in our region performed at Lea Ledger Auditorium for their UIL concert performances and in the CCHS band hall for their sight reading evaluations.
“It was fun, but nerve wracking. I was pretty nervous before the performance, but once I was on stage I began to feel better,” said eighth grader Lily Moris who plays the flute. “The sightreading was a lot easier than I thought it was going be and I think we nailed it.”
Band directors for CCISD junior high schools include Charles Fleming and Jolene Travis, S. C. Lee Junior High Non-Varsity Band; Lawrence Varela-Halbert, S. C. Lee Junior High Varsity Band; Katie Kelley and Kenneth Marina, Copperas Cove Junior High Non-Varsity Band, and Ryan Stewart, Copperas Cove Junior High Varsity Band.