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CCISD earns "Superior" Financial Rating

Posted Date: 10/27/2023

CCISD earns

Once again, Copperas Cove ISD is a model of financial accountability among Texas public schools.

For the 19th consecutive year, the Copperas Cove Independent School District received a “Superior” rating in the Texas Education Agency’s Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, the highest possible rating.

The FIRST rating evaluates public and charter schools in the state on 15 indicators, including operating expenses for instruction, tax collection rate, student-teacher ratios and long-term debt.

“We hope the Copperas Cove community sees that we work hard to be good stewards of their tax dollars,” CCISD Chief Financial Officer Dr. Earl Parcell said. “Our business office works diligently to stretch each dollar which comes in to the district as far as possible in order to ensure we provide our students the best possible education in the most efficient manner.”

The FIRST system was created in 2001 by the Texas Legislature to encourage public schools to better manage their financial resources.

“We appreciate the diligent efforts of work our business office to ensure CCISD remains focused on financial responsibility,” Superintendent Dr. Joe Burns said. “I’d also like to thank the school board and our employees for their work to ensure each dollar in our district goes as far as it can to provide the absolute best opportunity for our students. Being careful with our community’s hard-earned tax dollars has always been important to us and we don’t plan to change that any time in the future.”

A public hearing to review the rating will be held on Nov. 7, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. before the regular meeting of the CCISD Board of Trustees, at the CCISD Service & Training Center at 408 South Main Street.