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Mission Statement

The Warehouse Distribution and Records Management Center provides user friendly warehousing and courier services in a timely and efficient manner in service to the Copperas Cove Independent School District's students, faculty, administration and auxiliary personnel.

Vision Statement

The Warehouse Distribution and Records Management Center for the Copperas Cove Independent School District will be the premier warehouse and records management center servicing the premier school district.


The warehouse is open for deliveries
Monday- Friday 6:30 am - 3:00 pm.





Melissa Bryan

Melissa Bryan

Director of Child Nutrition and Warehouse Services
254-547-1227 x11500



Mary Sanchez

Instructional Materials Specialist
54-547-1227 X11505


Inventory Items and Warehouse Requests

  • CCISD Inventoried Items and Furniture Request Form
  • Property Transfer / Surplus Turn In
  • All items that have, or should have, a Copperas Cove ISD inventory tag should be listed on the form.
  • Items requiring tags include any item that initially cost over $500, and the following items regardless of cost: Desktop Computers, Laptops / Chromebooks, Tablets, Projectors, 3D Printers. Once received, it will be processed by Surplus Department and Warehouse staff will pick-up your items as their schedule allows.
  • is the website that we currently use to auction surplus property. You must be registered before you can bid on any items on the website. Please contact GovDeals customer service with any questions that you may have.
  • Ensure that all your items are ready to be picked up and clearly labeled in case you aren’t available.
  • All small items need to be in boxes (including cables and flat panel displays).


Jim Welling

Jim Welling

District Mail Courier
Assistant Records Custodian
254-547-1227 x11508




Yolanda Pitts

Warehouse Manager
254-547-1227 x11503



  • Supervises and coordinates activities of warehouse employees
  • Receiving, storage, delivery of warehouse items
  • Warehouse inventory
  • Supervision of warehouse facilities and equipment care.



Desmond Walker


Ryan Miner
